Installing Connectors

How to Install a New Connector
How to Install a New Connector There are 5 types of connectors available and each one has its own installed EXE file available: File Connector Measur...
Mon, 29 May, 2023 at 11:44 AM
Migrating to Version 2.0 Connectors
How to Migrate to Version 2.0 Connector from earlier versions Connectors installed prior to version 2.0 cannot be upgraded and the configuration must be mi...
Wed, 25 Oct, 2023 at 4:03 PM
EnergySys Measurement Connector
EnergySys Measurement Connector The Measurement Connector runs as a standalone service on a Windows machine and the UI is accessed via a web browser. Once ...
Wed, 24 May, 2023 at 3:42 PM
EnergySys Historian Connector
EnergySys Historian Connector The Historian Connector runs as a standalone service on a Windows machine and the UI is accessed via a web browser.  The ava...
Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 at 9:12 AM
Connector Requirements and User Guides
Connector Requirements The minimum specification for the servers that host the Connectors are stated below. A server can host multiple connectors. For ...
Fri, 26 May, 2023 at 12:53 PM
Manage User Screen
Manage Users Screen The Manage Users Screen shows all defined Users in the system and allows for editing and creating Users. Adding/Editing Users To...
Thu, 27 Apr, 2023 at 4:34 PM
Manage Certificates Screen
Manage Certificates Screen The Manage Certificates Screen shows all current SSL and other authentication Certificates that are stored for use by the Connec...
Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 at 5:16 PM
Manage Credentials
Manage Credentials The Manage Credentials Screen shows all current credentials that are stored for use by the Connector. This screen can only be accessed a...
Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 at 8:22 PM
Scheduled Jobs Screen
Import/Export Screen The Import Export screen allows for the backup and restoration of the Uploads, Tag Queries and Scheduled Jobs. This can be useful for ...
Thu, 27 Apr, 2023 at 4:41 PM
About Screen
About Screen The About Screen shows the details about the Connector. This data cannot be edited or deleted. Property Name Property Details Versi...
Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 at 4:44 PM