Manage Users Screen
The Manage Users Screen shows all defined Users in the system and allows for editing and creating Users.
Adding/Editing Users
To edit a User, click on the pencil icon in the right-hand column of the one you wish to edit.
To add a User, click the link underneath the main Users table. This will add a new editable row with all fields blank or set to default values in the case of drop down lists.
User Fields:
- Username - The login name of the u=User (must be at least 6 characters long)
- Role - The role of the User (User, Config of Admin)
- Password - The User's password. Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters long and contain at least one number, one uppercase letter and lowercase letter
Deleting a User
To delete a User, click the trash can icon in the right-hand column of the one you wish to delete.