Manage Certificates Screen
The Manage Certificates Screen shows all current SSL and other authentication Certificates that are stored for use by the Connector. It allows for the viewing, deletion, downloading of current Certificates and uploading of new Certificates.
Generating Certificates
EnergySys will no longer generate certificates for customers. Please click this link for details on the preferred method for generating certificates:
Viewing Certificates
To view a Certificate, click on the View Certificate Link in the certificate column of the one you want to view. A popup will be displayed with the contents of the Certificate
Downloading Certificates
To download a Certificate, click on the download icon in the right-hand column of the certificate you wish to download. You will be prompted for the location you where you want to download the Certificate. The format for the certificate will be PEM.
Deleting Certificates
To delete a Certificate, click the trash icon in the right-hand column of the certificate you wish to delete. You will be prompted to confirm this action ("energysys-connector-ssl" Certificates cannot be deleted).
Uploading Certificates
To upload a new Certificate or override a current Certificate, click the Upload Certificate button underneath the Certificates table. You will be prompted to locate the file you wish to upload (only .pem or .cer files are allowed).