How to Install a New Connector

There are 5 types of connectors available and each one has its own installed EXE file available:


Before installing a Connector there are pre-requisites on the server that need to be met.

In addition to the server pre-requisites a certificate is also required. A certificate can be used for multiple Connectors and type if the connectors are installed on the same server.

Installing a Connector

Run the Installer executable for the selected connector (requires admin rights on the server) and choose "New" from the list of options:

Choose the directory. This is where the connector will be installed and also where the log files can be found:

Enter a port number to run the connector on. There is a fixed range of Port Numbers that can be used by the connectors (1024-65535) and port numbers can not be reused, if you enter a Port Number outside of this range you will receive an error notification.

For MEASUREMENT and PHD Connectors only you will be prompted to supply the location of the Driver file.

Next, you will need to supply the location of the Keystore file and the password which are generated when creating the client certificate. The Keystore file must be in the PKCS12 format, usually identified by a .p12 file extension.

A Keystore file contains one or more pairs of a private key and a signed certificate for its corresponding public key. 

You are now ready to install the connector:

Once the Connector has been installed a Windows service will have been started for the new Connector

Click the "Access the Connector here" link on the Final Page before you click finish to access the Connector, or if you have closed the installer you can access the connector in a browser by going to https://localhost:<port

The first time you go to the Connector you will be asked to specify credentials for the admin user:

  • Enter a Username (6 to 20 characters)
  • Enter a password (8 to 20 characters (containing at least one upper, one lower, one number))
  • Confirm the selected password
  • Click OK

You will now be asked to log on to the Connector with the Username and Password you just created.

Once logged in, the next step is to upload all required credentials files and send EnergySys your certificate's public keys.