Connector Credentials Overview
Each Connector installation will require a number of credential files to be supplied to the instance of the Connector that provides the details on how to authenticate to the source system and also how to make the prepared files available to the specific EnergySys instance.
Credentials files are uploaded into the Connector via the Manage Credentials screen.
There are 7 different type of Credential files but your connector installation will not need all of them. With the exception of the S3 Credentials file, which can be requested from EnergySys, the Credentials files will need to be prepared by the requesting customer for their use in the Connector. The linked documents contain templates for each of the file types.
Credentials Name | Purpose | Connector Type | | Each instance of EnergySys has an S3 bucket associated with it, the connectors need to set which S3 bucket they want to make the files available to. The S3 Credentials file must be requested from EnergySys as a support ticket | All | | Contains the configurable connector properties | All | | Any connector that requires to get information from an EnergySys instance needs to have an esys-OData credentials file. | -PI -IP21 -PHD -Remote Execution Measurement | | Connection details to the SQL Database that the Connector will use when making requests | Measurement | | Information required to connect to the PI Data Source | PI | | Information required to connect to the IP21 Data Source | IP21 | | Information required to connect to the PHD Data Source | PHD |