EnergySys File Connector

The File Connector runs as a standalone service on a Windows machine and the UI is accessed via a web browser. Once logged in the Connector's various screens are navigated to via the menu on the left.

At the top of the screen the current time and time zone that the File Connector is set to operate in is displayed. Please note that this is not necessarily the same as the current date or time zone your computer is running in.

Event Log Screen

The Event Log screen shows a record of any job executions and other system events, such as errors that have occurred while the system was running (events older than 30 days will be automatically deleted).

Entries are colour coded Red/Green/Amber to help visualise the system status. Each entry has the following information:

Screen columnDescription
Descriptionthe name of the Job or Event
Resultthe result of the event (Success/Failure/Warning/Exception)
Summarya brief description of the event
Run Timestampwhen the event occurred
Duration (seconds)how long the event took in seconds

Selecting a row will show a popup with more information of the event (job execution results, error message, etc). The pagination controls at the top and bottom of the table can be used to view previous Events or show more Events per page.

Configure Uploads Screen

The Configure Uploads screen shows all defined Uploads available and allows for editing, creating or deleting.

Upload Fields:

Screen columnDescription
Namethe display name of the Upload when shown in the Scheduled job screen
Local Dirhe Local Directory which the Upload will scan for new and updated files. Typing into the field will show an "autofill" popup matching directories. Selecting Return on any values will fill the field with the value. Selecting Return again will show another "autofill" popup for sub directories. When saving the Upload, a popup will be displayed if the entered text does not correspond to a local directory and the Upload will not save
Remote Credentialsthe Credentials to use for uploading the files determines which EnergySys instance the files will be sent to. Credentials are selected with a drop down menu containing all current available values
File Extensionsrestricts the Upload to specified file extensions. Extensions can be up to four characters long. To add an extension, type in the letters then press return. It will turn into a colored "tag". To remove an extension, click the "X" by the tag and it will be removed
Resource Dirswhether the Upload will recursively look in sub folders of the Local Dir

Editing, creating or deleting:

Edit a Base Query (pencil icon)click on the pencil icon in the right-hand column of the one you wish to edit, this will make the row editable
Add a Base Query (link)click the link underneath the main Uploads table, this will add a new editable row with all fields blank
Delete a Base Query (trash can icon)click the trash can icon in the right-hand column of the one you wish to delete. You will then be prompted to confirm your action.

Testing the Connection

To test the Connection to the EnergySys instance specified in an Upload's Remote Credentials, click on the tick icon in the right hand column of the one you wish to test. A popup will confirm whether the connection is working correctly.

Scheduled Jobs

The Scheduled Jobs screen shows the current list of Uploads that are scheduled to run automatically and allows for editing, creating, suspending and manual execution of the Uploads.

A Scheduled Job will scan the directory specified in the Upload for files and upload them to the EnergySys system. Once uploaded, files will be moved into a "Processed" folder and will be ignored by subsequent runs of the Scheduled Job. If a file with the same name already exists in the "Processed" folder, than the files being moved will be time stamped with the current time, so it does not overwrite the previous file. A "Processed" folder will be created if one does not already exist.

Screen columnDescription
Namethe name of the job when it is executed and appears in the Event Log screen
Tag Querythe Upload to execute will be auto populated with the Names from the Upload screen
Start Datethe date and time from which this job will start running. Can be a calendar picker or free text (dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM). Jobs will not execute until the start date is reached. The first runtime will be calculated based on the value on the "Start Date" and the "Repeat Every" fields. If left blank then the "Start Date" is assumed to be the current time
End Date (optional)the date and time from when this job will stop running. Can be a calendar picker or free text (dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM). If left blank then the job will run indefinitely
Repeat Everythe repeat schedule of the job. Can be free text number field and a drop down of Minutes/Hours/Days/Weeks/Months. With the "Start Date" this will determine when the job runs. Note that Daylight Savings will not affect the run time of a job
Is Activetick box determining if the job is active. If active then the job will be scheduled to run automatically at the next calculated time. If the job is not active the job will not run automatically

The Scheduled Jobs screen allows the editing, creating, suspending and manual execution of these scheduled Queries:

Edit a Scheduled Job (pencil icon)Click on the pencil icon in the right-hand column of the one you wish to edit, this will make the row editable
Add a Scheduled Job (link)Click the link underneath the main Scheduled Jobs table, this will add a new row with blank fields or default values set in the case of drop down lists
Delete a Scheduled Job (trash can icon)Click the Trash Can icon in the right-hand column. Only users with Admin or Configurator roles can delete Scheduled Jobs
Manually run a Scheduled Jobclick the Play icon in the right-hand column. A small popup showing if the job was executed successfully will be shown and an entry added to the Event Log screen. Manually running a Scheduled Job does not affect the scheduled and job will continue to run at their scheduled time

System Restarts

If the Connector is restarted, then the next run time of all Scheduled Jobs are recalculated. Any jobs that were scheduled to run while the Connector was stopped will be missed and not run until the following scheduled time. Any critical jobs should be ran manually after the Connector starts back up.