Migrating Properties to new Credentials Files
The credential files of earlier Connectors are not compatible with version 2.0 and the contents of the existing credentials.xml file need to be mapped to the appropriate credential property files used by the version 2.0 Connectors.
We recommend copying the individual properties set in the old credentials files into the new template credentials files as they contain comments and optional properties that may not have been set in the original credentials.
Mapping of old to new credentials files
Old Credentials File | Notes | New Credentials File |
historian.s3.upload.crd measurements.s3.upload.crd s3-<upload name>.crd (File Connectors) | All credentials now start with “s3-”. Historian and Measurement connectors require there to be only one credentials file installed and must start with “s3-”. | s3-<instance id>.crd |
esys-odata-cred.properties | Connection details and configuration for the EnergySys Foundation OData service | esys-odata-cred.properties |
adaptor-cred.properties | Connection details for PI, IP21 and PHD connectors. | pi-adaptor-cred.properties ip21-adaptor-cred.properties phd-adaptor-cred.properties |
measurements.jdbc.adapter | On site database connection details for Measurements Connector | database-jdbc-cred.properties |
Mapping Properties
The tables below maps properties from the old Credentials.xml file to their respective locations in the New Credentials files.
The existing credentials.xml file would have entries similar to the following to set various options in the connector:
<Call class="java.lang.System" name="setProperty"> <Arg>esys.adaptor.retrieve.webids.from.pi</Arg> <Arg>true</Arg> </Call>
and should be mapped into the new credentials with an entry of the form:
Connector Configuration Properties
Mapping to the connector-config.properties file
Existing Property | Description | New Default Value | New Property |
esys.adaptor.data.dir | Local Output Dir of spreadsheets generated by connector. | <installtion-dir>/ConnectorData/ | data_file_dir |
esys.adaptor.file .retention.period | How long to retain spreadsheets in Local Output Dir | 28 (days) | data_file_retention_period |
user.timezone | The timezone of the connector | connector_timezone | |
esys.job.max.retries | Number of times a Scheduled Job is retried on failure | 5 | job_max_retries |
esys.job.repeat .interval | Interval between retries of a Scheduled Job on failure | 120 (seconds) | job_repeat_interval |
https.proxyHost / https.proxyPort | Used to the proxy settings for all HttpClient connections. Not used directly in our code. | none | http_proxy_host http_proxy_port |
connection.handler.read .timeout | The Connection and Read timeout for Http connections to Third Party API’s (pi, ip21 etc) | 300000 (millis) | http_read_timeout |
esys.odata.consumer .connect.timeout | Connection timeout for EnergySys OData feed connections | 300000 (millis) | http_connection_timeout |
esys.odata.consumer .read.timeout | Read timeout for EnergySys OData feed connections | 300000 (millis) | http_read_timeout |
EnergySys OData Credentials
Mapping to the esys-odata-cred.properties file
Existing Property | Description | New Default Value | New Property |
tag.list.timeout | How long to store Meter Id’s retrieved from EnergySys in the Tag Cache | 30 (seconds) | tag_list_timeout |
cache.check.timeout | How long to wait between checking the Tag Cache for expired Tags | 30 (mins) | tag_cache_check_timeout |
IP21 Adapter Credentials
Mapping to the ip21-adapter-cred.properties file
Existing Property | Description | New Default Value | New Property |
esys.adaptor.IP21 .query.max.num.params | Determines the number of meter points to request values for per IP21 Query | 100 | max_number_query_params |
esys.adaptor.IP21.query. well.data.function.name | The IP21 well data method name used in the URL for the IP21 Query | WS_ENGSYS_WellDataV5 | query_well_data_function_name |
esys.adaptor.IP21.query meter.data.function.name | The IP21 meter data method name used in the URL for the IP21 Query | WS_TagDataAdvanced | query_meter_data_function_name |
PI Adapter Credentials
Mapping to the pi-adapter-cred.properties file
Existing Property | Description | New Default Value | New Property |
esys.adaptor.page .size | Sets the max page size param in a PI Query | 500 | page_size |
esys.adaptor.pi.summary .timetype | Sets the “timeType” in a PI Query | Auto | summary_time_type |
esys.adaptor.retrieve .webids.from.pi | Whether to get the webIds from PI or use the EnergySys meter id instead | False | retrieve_web_ids_from_pi |
esys.adaptor.pi.query .max.num.params | Determins the number of meter points to request values for per PI Query | 100 | max_number_query_params |
esys.adaptor.pi .force.utc.times | Forces the appending of “Z” to the end of date times used in PI Queries | False | force_utc_times |
No longer supported
Existing Property | Description | New Default Value | New Property |
esys.query.spreadsheet .sheet.name | Sheet name used in generated spreadsheets | Sheet1 | N/A |
esys.query.datetime .format | JAVA Date Format mask used for DateTime values in generated spreadsheets (the EnergySys date format) | dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss | N/A |
esys.query.spreadsheet .datetime.format | Excel Date Format used for DateTime cells in generated spreadsheets | dd/mmm/yyyy HH:mm:ss | N/A |
esys.query.spreadsheet .datetime.format | Excel Date Format used for DateTime cells in generated spreadsheets | dd/mmm/yyyy HH:mm:ss | N/A |
esys.query.date .format | JAVA Date Format mask used for Date values in generated spreadsheets (the EnergySys date format) | dd/MMM/yyyy | N/A |
esys.query.spreadsheet .date.format | Excel Date Format used for Date cells in generated spreadsheets | dd/MMM/yyyy | N/A |
spreadsheet.iteration.disabled | Used in Smart XLS code | False | N/A |
spreadsheet.iteration.max | Used in Smart XLS code | 100 | N/A |
spreadsheet.iteration.max .change | Used in Smart XLS code | 0.001 | N/A |