Updating or Repairing a Version 2 Connector
Occasionally EnergySys may release new functionality and bug fixes to the Version 2 Connectors, or that you want to perform a repair to your existing connector installation.
To repair an existing version to any of these you need to run the previously installed version executable for the selected connector (requires admin rights on the server) and choose "Update/Repair" from the list of options. Similarly for Updates to an existing Connector you need to run the new version Installer executablefor the selected connector (requires admin rights on the server) and choose "Update/Repair" from the list of options.
The installation folder shows where the connector is currently installed and where the log files can be found. If required you can update this directory. If no change is required you can leave the installation folder as is, and click next.
You are now ready to complete the Update/Repair of the connector:
Once the Connector has been modified the Windows service will be automatically restarted and you will be able to log back into the Connector UI.
All existing configuration and certificates are retained as part of the repair/upgrade of the Connector.