
This article describes at a high-level the terms that may be heard when working with EnergySys.


EnergySys instances are made up of a number of components and the table below provides a high level description. 

RegionThe geographic region where your EnergySys instance is hosted:
  • AU - Australia
  • CA - Canada
  • EU - Europe
  • US - United States of America
EnvironmentProduction or Non-Production
These be can identified predominately by the colour of the top-bar on the screen: blue for Production, red for Non-Production.
The URLs of Non-Production instances will also include test. in front of the region e.g. https://test.au1.energysys.com/
InstanceThe boundary for the entitlement of a subscription to EnergySys. A customer with multiple subscriptions will have rights to multiple instances.
Each subscription has rights to three non-Production and a single Production instance.
ApplicationAn Application provides a distinct group of users with information that will help them to solve a business problem. For example, a Production Reporting Application could provide users with the ability to access and manipulate oil, gas, and water data.
ModuleCollection of Screens presented to end users as an option in the Side Menu. Only modules you have role access to are visible to you.
ScreenA screen displays the records in a business Object on a web page
Screen FilterThe Filter allows you to limit what data is shown on the Screen
Summary/DetailsIf configured a screen can have a Summary view, showing an initial set of Attributes, that can be toggled by a button to show the Details view, showing all allowed Attributes to the user
Latest ButtonAllows a filter applied to the screen to show the latest created records
Data AreaPresents an Object's data and, if appropriate, data related to that Object
Related PanelsAllow for records to be displayed that are directly connected to the record selected in the main Data Area
TenantRepresents an organisation as a commercial entity that has purchased an EnergySys subscription
SubscriptionThe commercial agreement stating the scope, scale and phyical assets of the EnergySys instance

Further details on Navigating EnergySys are available here.


Configuration terms describe the components of your EnergySys instance. Everything about your EnergySys is configured and held within the instance itself. This includes Object, Processes, Workflows, Layout and Role Access.

ObjectObjects are the building blocks of an EnergySys Instance defining all the data that is used, stored or viewed in the EnergySys Instance.
AttributeAttributes represent a column in a data table (object)
Unique IdentifierConsists of one or more Object Attributes that defines what makes an Object record (or row in the Object's table) unique
Virtual ObjectSpecial read-only database Object that allow you to present a collection of values from multiple Objects
Summary ObjectSpecial read-only database Object that allow you to present a summary of values from a standard object.
ProcessProvide the means to import data or to manipulate business data, drawn from the database, and use it in calculations to create new results
Process ParameterParameter values or files can be provided by an external system or an end user, and are are used to filter Process Inputs
Process Input FilterAllow Configurators to control the amount of data made available to Processes when executed
ResourcesA collection of objects, exposed on the OData feed that are restricted to a particular role or roles.
RolesRestrict access to Modules or Resources in your Applications. A user can have multiple roles in an instance
Data SecurityRole Security restringing access at a record level
Email HandlerProvides control over how emails received by the EnergySys Instance are processed
File HandlerProvides control over how files received from a Connector by the EnergySys Instance are processed

Using EnergySys

In your day to day use of EnergySys there are additional terms that you may come across.

Process ExecutionExecution a Process perform calculations and logic that have been set out in the Process
Process HistoryThe record of a previous execution of a Process
PreviewAllows for the execution of a process without the results being stored to the instance
Calculation LogContains information about the Process Execution and the calculation steps performed
ConnectorsSitting on the customers servers the Connectors collect data from internal systems and make the data securely available to an EnergySys instance
Edit OverlayThe edit overlay is presented when manually adding or updating records on an EnergySys screen
NotificationsCategorised as either Information, Warning or Error Notifications provide feedback to users from the execution of a Process
Process ReportsReport files generated by the execution of a process
ODataOData is a protocol used to securely send data over the internet. OData queries can be used