Calling Measurement Connector jobs remotely
Version 2, and later, of the EnergySys Measurement Connector supports the ability to send connector job requests from EnergySys to the Measurement Connector, allowing for data requests to be made in EnergySys rather than on the Connectors.
Connector Requirements
The Connector uses Client Certificate Authentication to communicate with the EnergySys Instance and uses the same certificate that was supplied when installing the Connector. Please make EnergySys aware of the Certificates "Distinguished Name" and supply the connectors public certificates (Including intermediate and root certificates). The Distinguished Name can be found on the About screen and the certificates can be downloaded using the Manage Certificates screen within the Security module.
EnergySys Requirements
To allow EnergySys to send the requests to the Measurement Connector there are additional objects and a process that are required to be added. The attached Remote_Execution_Object_Creation workbook contains the objects to be added. These will need to be manually created as the ENERGYSYS Import Object and Attributes does not allow for the creation of EU_ or ES_ objects. It is recommended to add the Remote Query Execution screen to the Processes module of a suitable application.
Following the creation of the objects an import process should be created that will monitor for returned acceptance and status of requests made to the Measurement Connector. The attached Process_Creation_Remote_Execution workbook contains this process along with a process to import the list of allowed Remote Execution Statuses.
Within EnergySys it will also be necessary to create a File Handler that will receive updates from the Connector on the status of the requested executions.
With the new processes created execute the ENERGYSYS Import Remote Execution Statuses process (Configuration application) with the attached EU_REMOTE_QUERY_STATUS_Records workbook.
To see the Remote Query Execution records it is recommended to add the screen for EU_REMOTE_QUERY_EXEC to the Processes module of the Configuration application.
EnergySys Support will have added a certificate user to the EnergySys instance based on the Distinguished Name of the certificate and you will need to assign Role access to an OData Resource that contains the two EU_ objects created above.
Adding Connector jobs to EnergySys
When you want to schedule a job to run on the Connector within EnergySys you can either add records manually to the Remote Query Execution screen or use a Process.
Remote Query Execution you need to populate the following attributes:
- Connector Name - If not known this can be found on the About screen when logged into the Connector
- Query Name - the name of the Base Query on the Connector
- Execution DateTime - the date and time that the Connector job should be run.
- Parameters - the parameter name and values that the connector job expects. If more than one parameter then these should be separated by a semicolon.
- Status - Set to Queued. When the job is received and verified by the Connector it notifies EnergySys (through an import process) that the request has been Accepted, if the connector name, query name, parameter name or values are invalid then the status is returned as Failed. If the connector job runs successfully it will send a status of Success
- Message - Populated by EnergySys to advise on any message returned from the Connector.
When using processes you will need to have process output to EU_REMOTE_QUERY_EXEC
Connector Execution
Every minute the Connector will authenticate to EnergySys and check to see if there are any Remote Query Executions listed with a status of Queued. Each Queued Remote Query Execution will be scheduled to be executed on the Connector at their scheduled time. If the stated Execution DateTime is in the past then the jobs will be run in the order of those with the earliest Execution DateTime.
When the processes are run they follow the same process as scheduled Connector jobs and make the file available for import to EnergySys.
Connector Feedback
The Connector will feedback to the EnergySys, using the File Handler above, every minute to state when Connector jobs have been 'Accepted', 'Rejected' or 'Success' on the Remote Query Execution screen.
The attached manual provides details of configuring the Measurement Connector