Unlock User

In EnergySys, user administrators are able to add, modify, reset and disable users who are members of their organisation. If you are a user administrator, the sections below describe the steps to reset a users password.

Note: These steps apply where your user security is managed within EnergySys. If this is not the case, most of the options shown below will not be displayed and, to manage your profile, you will need to get help your company IT department.

Log in to EnergySys and follow the profile link in the top right corner of the screen.


his link takes you to your profile page where you can update your personal information, password, security questions, etc. Click on the 'Admin' button in the top right corner of the screen.

The 'Admin' dashboard is displayed. Click on the Directory menu and select 'People'.

The 'People' screen is displayed. Use the Locked Out menu to display the users currently locked out. Select the user to unlock.

In the user profile, select 'Unlock Account'.


The following confirmation message will be displayed:

Once unlocked the user status will change to 'Active' and the user will be able to access EnergySys.