Manage Your User Profile
In EnergySys, users are able to modify their passwords, the security question (used to recover from a forgotten password) and, if configured, Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) settings. The steps below, describe how to undertake each of these changes.
Note: These steps apply where your user is managed within EnergySys. If this is not the case, most of the options shown below will not be displayed and, to manage your profile, you will need to get help from your company IT support department.
Accessing your Profile
Log in to EnergySys and follow the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
This icon takes you to your profile page, where you can update your personal information, password, security questions, etc. If the screen shows that the section you need is locked, click on the 'Edit' button. You be prompted to re-enter your existing password, and potentially your MFA token to access the editing functions described below.
Change Password
Enter new password information in the 'Change Password' section:
After entering current and new passwords, click 'Change Password' and a prompt will indicate if the password has been updated. Note that any special characters in your password should be in the OWASP list of special password characters.
Change Security Question
Select Edit in the 'Forgotten Password Question' menu box.
You may select a new question from the question options and provide a new answer, then press 'Save'.
Change Multifactor Authentication
If your account has MFA, it will be shown in the 'Extra Verification' menu box.
Clicking on 'Reset' for the application you have enabled will show the following pop-up requesting confirmation.
Once the old Multifactor has been Reset, you'll be able to configure a new one. If you don't do this now and your Group requires configuration of a Multifactor authentication, you will need to complete this next time you log in.