Company Group Admin

User administrators are granted permissions to allow them to  add, modify, reset and disable users, in the groups within an organisation. The EnergySys Enablement Team assign user administrator privileges to one or more users within the organisation.

Note: These steps apply where the user is managed within EnergySys. If this is not the case, some of the options shown below will not be displayed, and the users will need to be manage by the company IT support department.

Created a User

Log in to EnergySys with an admin user that can create new users in any group. Complete the user creation steps as indicated in

Add Administrator

Navigate to Security > Administrators to get the list of Administrators. Click on Add Administrator and add the following details:

  • "Grant administrator role to:" enter the user name for the user to be granted administrator access
  • "Administrator roles: select "Group Administrator"
  • "Group Admin Permissions" select "Can administer users in specific groups" and enter the name of the Group to administer

Click on "Add Administrator" to confirm the changes.

All group admin users will be able to see the Admin button on the Okta portal. From here they'll be able to create a user as described in They will only be able to create users who belong to the groups indicated in the above processes.

Remove User from Marketing Emails

All users who are made admins start getting marketing emails from Okta. In order to prevent this, we need to send an email to the Okta marketing department (referencing support case 00617577) requesting that the User's email address is added to the no-marketing-emails list.

The email should be sent to [email protected] (referencing support case 00617577) with the name and email address of the group administrators that need to be excluded.