Account Activation

Welcome to EnergySys! You should have just received a user activation welcome email and this article describes the process of activating your user account.

Note: These steps apply where your user security is managed within EnergySys. If this is not the case, most of the options shown below will not be displayed and, to manage your profile, you will need to get help your company IT department.


You should have received an email that looks like the following. Click on 'Activate EnergySys Account'.

You will be taken to a page where you can specify your password, the answer to a security question, and you can select an image that will be shown when logging in, so that you can be sure you are logging in to the correct site. Note that any special characters in your password should be in the OWASP list of special password characters. Enter your details, and click 'Create My Account'.

If your company does not require mulitfactor authentication (MFA), your account is activated and you can proceed to your EnergySys environment via the Okta dashboard or using a direct URL to your instances. If MFA is required, you will be taken to a page to set it up (see below).

No Roles Assigned

If on accessing your EnergySys environment you see the warning screen 'No Roles Assigned', you have not been given role access to the currently selected instance. Roles can be assinged by your user administrator. Alternatively, please select an instance you have roles for in the instance dropdown (highlighted).

Multifactor Authentication

If your company requires mulitfactor authentication, you will be taken to a page to set up MFA. If you use the Okta mobile app a notification can be sent, or any Google Authenticator based app can be used.

Selecting Google Authenticator takes you to a device type selection screen. You can download authenticator or use a similar application on your mobile device.

Once you have MFA app a QR code will allow an authentication token to be generated.

Once the QR code is scanned a MFA code from the mobile app will allow MFA to be set up.

A MFA has been set up and user activation is complete.

After finishing, you can proceed to your EnergySys environment via the Okta dashboard or using a direct URL to your instances.